
The DBJ has lent over $11.9 billion to Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) since the Micro Finance Window was established in 2009.

The Bank is cognizant of the role that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to the development and stimulation of the Jamaican economy and continues to provide wholesale funding to 12 MFIs for on-lending to entrepreneurs.
The current accredited MFI are:

  • Access Financial Services Limited
  • Bull Investments Limited
  • C&WJ Co-operative Credit Union Limited
  • COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union Limited
  • EduCom Co-operative Credit Union Limited
  • First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union Limited
  • First Union Financial Company Limited
  • JN Small Business Loans Limited
  • LASCO Microfinance Limited
  • McKayla Financial Services Limited
  • Monaire Financial Services Limited
  • Wilco Finance Limited

The DBJ has been designated as the Government of Jamaica’s lead agency for co-ordination of all related MFI industry interventions. In this regard the DBJ is assisting micro finance institutions to achieve maturity and maximum outreach by facilitating access to capital and the professionalization of operations.

National People’s Cooperative Bank of Jamaica Limited (NPCB)

The National People’s Cooperative Bank of Jamaica Limited (NPCB) is a community based savings and loans institution registered under the Agricultural Credit Board Act as an Agricultural Loan Society. The NPCB is regulated and monitored by the Agricultural Credit Board (AC Board) and is licenced by the Department of Cooperatives and Friendly Societies, under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act.

The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) has maintained a longstanding relationship with the NPCB and provides funds for on-lending to qualified borrowers, as well as technical assistance for institutional strengthening. The DBJ recognizes the importance of a strong and financially sound NPCB as the major contributor to the development of rural communities and the agricultural sector.