July 18, 2022July 18, 2022Tender & Job Opportunity Contract Award Notice – Technical Advisor to support the DBJ In the selection of a Fund Manager for a Venture Capital (VC) Fund
April 5, 2022April 5, 2022Tender & Job Opportunity Contract Award Notice – Strengthening the Design of the Business Service Intermediaries (BSIs) Programme under the BIGEE Programme
December 8, 2021December 13, 2021Tender & Job Opportunity Contract Award Notice – BIGEE Marketing Services
December 2, 2021December 2, 2021Tender & Job Opportunity ‘Boosting Innovation, Growth and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems (BIGEE) Programme
November 23, 2021December 22, 2021Tender & Job Opportunity Call for Proposals – SERVE Ja Private Equity Funds