PPP Library/Resource Centre

A critical enabling factor for a successful Privatisation and PPP programme is strengthening the capacity of government officials as well as the private sector investors to be able to execute transactions in an effective and efficient manner. Through this PPP Library/Resource, the DBJ aims to create a culture of knowledge sharing based on Jamaica’s experience and context, as well as lessons learned and best practices in other countries and regions.


LEFT: Luciana Guimaraes Drummond E Silva from WB; Dennis Allen Blumenfeld from IDB; Philippe Neves from WB; S. Brian Samuel from CDB, Adriana La Valley from IDB; Denise Arana from DBJ; Ann-Marie Rhoden from MOFP; Rui Monteiro from WB; John Butarrazzi from Rebel Group; Marcel Ham from Rebel Group at the PPP Boot Camp held in Kingston, Jamaica during the period February 2 – 5, 2016 at the Spanish Court Hotel.