PPP Boot Camp
- The GOJ's PPP & Privatisation Programme
- Review Managing PPP Procurement CDB Boot Camp ver 1
- Developing PPP Policies & Institutional Frameworks - The Jamaican Experience - Barbados Sep 2015
- Contract Management Experience (SIA) - February 2016
DBJ UK PPP Conference – February 2014
- The Evolution of PPP - UK Experience -Ellis
- Tapping into Financing Options - Rizzoli
- Presentation 1 - David Wright
- PPP Programme Presentation- Gallimore
- PPP Policy Framework in Trinidad and Tobago - Zayid
- Highway2000 - Ivan Anderson
- Governance and Legal Issues - Rizzoli
- Ensuring a Transparent Procurement Process - Ellis
- Developing Sustainable PPP Opportunities for Jamaica - Airports - Richards
- Developing sustainable PPP opportunites for Jamaica - DBJ- Arana
- Challenges and the Way Forward - Warmington
- Building a Bankable Project - Rogers
- An open and Shut Case - Rogers
DBJ Canadian P3 Conference
- James Lew _Session II Canadian P3 Conference
- James Lew - Session 1 Canadian P3 Conference
- DBJ Presentation - Canadian P3 Conference
- Background for PPPs and Fiscal Responsibility Canadian Conf Nov 8, 2014
Jamaica Institution Engineer Conference 2015
- Infrastructure Ontario Case Study - David Pratt
- DBJ - The Jamaican Experience with PPPs - JIE Conference
- Creating Successful P3s (15.09.21)
- CCPPP McCabe Jamaica PPPP Conference
DBJ’s Infrastructure Conference March 6-7, 2017
- DBJ Book - Investment Opportunities
- IFC Project Finance Presentation
- Day 1 - Presentation by Guillaume Allain
- Day 1 - Presentation by Edmond Marsh
- Day 1 - Presentation from Jeffrey Hall KWL 2016_OurBusiness
- Day 1- Brian Samuel Panel Discussion Lesson Learned
- Day 1- Presentation by Denise Arana
- Day 1 Presentation by James Lew
- Day 1- Presentation by Mark Barnett
- Day 1- Presentation by Veronica Warmington
- Day 1- Presentation by Winston Watson
- Day 1- Presentation by Ziv Oren- Panel Discussion -Private Sector Perspective
- Day1- Presentation from Audley Deidrick
- Day 2 - Presentation by Dr. Damian Graham
- Day 2- Brian Samuel Launch of Highway 2000 Case Study
- Day 2 Brian Samuel Where is the Action
- Day 2_Tim Philpotts presentation
- Day 2-Presentation by Glen Laville
- Day 2-Presentation by Ivan Anderson
- Day2- Presentation by John Lee
- Where's the Action - Brian Samuel Opportunities in the Caribbean
- PANEL DISCUSSION - Lessons Learned Caribbean PPP Exp - Brain Samuel