Judicial Court Complexes PPP

Mode of Procurement Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
Project Sponsor(s) Ministry of Justice (MOJ)
Description and location

The Ministry of Justice is considering the development of new regional court Complexes in Manchester, St. Ann and St. Catherine

Status Manchester: The Transaction Advisor submitted the draft business case in early April 2024. Same is currently being revised and the updated Business Case is expected to be presented by September 2024.

St. Ann and St. Catherine: The Transaction Advisor has been engaged and the Inception Report is currently being finalised.
Estimated Capital costs/development expenditures J$8B
Sources of revenues To be determined
Expected life of the project To be determined
Environmental Sustainability & Resilience features To be determined
Contact Information

Ayanna Campbell
PPP & Privatisation Division
Development Bank of Jamaica
Email: acampbell@dbankjm.com
876-929-4000 Ext 4053

Toni Maxwell
Account Executive
PPP & Privatisation Division
Development Bank of Jamaica
Email: tmaxwell@dbankjm.com
876-929-4000 Ext 4061

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