Loan Origination & Portfolio Management

DBJ’s Loan Origination & Portfolio Management (LOPM) department was established in April 2011 to consolidate the Bank’s lending functions. Loan Origination & Portfolio Management addresses financing gaps in the market by providing access to appropriate financing solutions to businesses, intermediaries and other stakeholders through effective relationship building and portfolio management.

The LOPM department was restructured in 2014 and comprises of three units that collectively assist in the execution of DBJ’s loan and portfolio quality targets: Loan Origination Unit

  • Responsible for the marketing, sales and processing of DBJ’s financial solutions in order to attain loan targets. 
  • Development and management of our stakeholders groups including; Approved Financial Institutions (AFIs), sub-borrowers and the MSME association relationships.

Credit Services Unit

  • Evaluation, structuring and management of all credit transactions on which DBJ bears any direct exposure to achieve impact and portfolio quality targets
  • Management of the Information and Communications Technology/Business Process Outsourcing (ICT/BPO) facility, National People’s Cooperative Bank (NPCB), direct and recoveries portfolios

Portfolio Management Unit

  • Administration of DBJ’s loan processes to achieve efficient and effective loan processing, compliance, data management and reporting.
  • Administration of the DBJ’s partial guarantee programme, the Credit Enhancement Facility.


  1. Provide the required development financing needed to drive growth in the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) sectors.
  2. Provide the required development financing needed to create high levels of employment and create linkages for MSMEs.
  3. Increase access to financing by expanding distribution channels for DBJ funds.
  4. Contribute to economic growth with specific focus on: MSME wealth creation, employment, education and training, health, youth and gender.
  5. Strengthen engagement and relationship building with key stakeholders including customers, intermediaries, public sector agencies and international development partners.