Development Bank of Jamaica

Facilitating economic growth and development

Development Bank of Jamaica

Facilitating economic growth and development

Whistleblowing & Incident Management

We have established a Whistleblowing Policy which is the principal mechanism for receiving and handling all complaints, as defined in the Whistleblower policy, along with an Anti-fraud and Corruption Control Policy to address various types of corruption and money-laundering.

The Whistleblower System provides for the secure receipt and handling of all complaints, submissions, reports and disclosures from persons classified as whistleblowers and/or witnesses, as outlined in our Whistleblower Policy.

Protection from Retaliation

We support the reporting of violations relative to fraud and corruption, Anti-money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing (AML/ATF) and other prohibited practices.  We also encourage the reports of projects complaints related to environmental or social harm allegedly caused by projects financed by us.

Our Whistleblower Policy protects the whistleblowers from retaliation. Therefore, if a concern, compliant or allegation is reported in good faith, you cannot be subject to any form of victimization or occupational detriment because of the report.

Reporting Fraud, Corruption and Other Prohibited Practices

All complaints/allegations made in good faith through the Whistleblowing reporting system will be treated with security, confidentiality and independence while shielding the reporter from retaliation. Allegations may be reported by staff, consultants, contractors and persons who may be witness or victims of misconduct.

Complaints/allegations regarding corruption, fraud, and other prohibited practices which occurred or is occurring may be submitted through any of the following.

The Whistleblowing system allows whistleblowers and witnesses to place anonymous reports in confidence.

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