Greater Bernard Lodge Development

Mode of Procurement Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
Project Sponsor(s) SCJ Holdings Limited (SCJH)
Description and location

The Greater Bernard Lodge project seeks to create the ideal municipality where there exists for citizens, a high standard of living, sound environmental management and affordable quality housing which all create sustainable socio-economic environment.

The Government of Jamaica through the Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings Limited (SCJH) intends to sell discrete Mixed Use, Light Industrial and Residential Development Blocks via a competitive tender process. The lands are located in Bernard Lodge, St. Catherine.

The privatisation process is being implemented in four (4) phases.

  • Phase I, consist of 5 Blocks covering 2 classifications being Residential and Light Industrial
  • Phase II, consist of 4 Residential Blocks
  • Phase III, consist of 5 Blocks covering 2 classifications being Residential and Light Industrial
  • Phase IV, consist of five townhouse Blocks

Status Greater Bernard Lodge Phases III
DBJ and Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings have continued to divest lands for residential and light industrial development at the Greater Bernard Lodge Development Area. For Phase III, five blocks were tendered in 2023 and preferred bidders have been identified for all blocks. Sale agreements have been executed for two of the blocks, one block is awaiting contract execution, and the remaining two blocks are in the process to obtain the necessary approvals. Financial close is expected to be attained in the FY 2024/25.

Greater Bernard Lodge Phase IV
The GOJ intends to divest another five townhouse blocks via a competitive tender process. The Request for Proposal will be issued in March 2024 and bids are expected to be submitted in May 2024.
Estimated Capital costs/development expenditures N/A
Sources of revenues Proceeds of Sale of Lots
Expected life of the project N/A
Environmental Sustainability & Resilience features Master Plan prepared by the National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA); NEPA and other regulatory approvals required before development by each investor.
Contact Information

Ayanna Campbell
PPP & Privatisation Division
Development Bank of Jamaica
876-929-4000 Ext 4053

Toni Maxwell
Acting Manager
PPP & Privatisation Division
Development Bank of Jamaica
876-929-4000 Ext 4061

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