Norman Manley International Airport
Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA) is the second largest airport in Jamaica, located approximately 13 miles from the Kingston City Centre. It has a 2,716 metres long runway, capable of handling B747 and B777 aircraft. The development of the NMIA is a key part of the Government of Jamaica’s (GoJ’s) broader strategic development plans to establish Kingston as a regional business hub and Jamaica as a logistics hub.
Project Description
The Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing, has initiated the process of implementing a PPP to identify a private sector operator with proven experience in the aviation sector to operate, develop and maintain NMIA under a long-term concession. NMIAL is owned by the Airports Authority of Jamaica and operated by NMIA Airport Ltd.
The Government of Jamaica announced Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico S.A.B. De C.V. (GAP) on September 11th as the provisional Preferred Bidder for the NMIA Concession. On October 10, 2018, a 25-year Concession Agreement for the operation fo the NMIA was executed between PAC Kingston Airport Limited (PAC) – a wholly-owned subsidiary of GAP and the Airports authority of Jamaica (AAJ). Both parties fulfilled the condition precedent and reached financial close in October 2019.
PAC now has the responsibility to operate and maintain NMIA, improve the efficiency of both landside and airside operations, finance and complete the planned modernization programme.