Development Bank of Jamaica

Facilitating economic growth and development

Development Bank of Jamaica

Facilitating economic growth and development

Projects/Concepts Being Reviewed for Development as PPPS

The Development Bank of Jamaica is aware of the following projects which are being assessed for development as PPPs by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA). As new projects are progressively identified by the MDAs and brought to the PPP Units, these will be added to this list of PPPs under development:



Status as at July 2024

Ministry of Justice Courthouses PPP

(Trelawny & St. James)

Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice is considering the development of Regional Judicial Court Complexes in Trelawny and St. James via PPP.

Trelawny Judicial Court Complex –  The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the procurement of a Transaction Advisor is currently being prepared. 

St. James Judicial Court Complex- Preliminary activities are currently underway. 

Greater Bernard Lodge Development

(Social PPPs- Health)

Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings Limited

To provide a public health facility for the newly created municipality in the Greater Bernard Lodge Development Area. The Project will include the creation of new residential, light industrial and mixed used Development Blocks.

Pre-feasibility Study and Business Case to be undertaken.

At the Project Identification Stage:

The objective is to find those assets and services, existing or planned, where value for money could possibly be increased if they were done as PPPs. Subject Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) go to the Public Investment Management Secretariat (PIMSec), which is now called Public Investment Appraisal Branch (PIAB) with a proposed public investment project concept.  PIAB will be the first formal point of contact for public investment projects which may be considered for development as PPPs.  The projects identified by the MDA will be screened against the agreed PPP criteria by the DBJ and MoFP PPP units that will submit their responses to the PIAB which will complete its assessment of the project concept and submit its recommendation to the Planning Investment Management Committee (PIMC) for approval, deferral, or decline.Mar

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