Norsai Enterprise Limited

Name of Company: Norsai Enterprise Limited

Location: St. Thomas

Sector: Agro Processing

Business: Produces canned ackee, callaloo, frozen roast breadfruit and herbal teas which it exports to the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States.

Company Size: Medium

Existing employment: 20 permanent and 70-130 temporary

AFI Issuing Voucher: Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited

Date Voucher Issued: June 27, 2014

Voucher Received: Financial Statements

Total value of voucher: J$200,000

DBJ Payment Made: J$65,240

BDO Providing Service: Boldeck Jamaica Limited

Purpose of loan: To produce and store 10,000 cases of products to be sold throughout the year when supply of ackee declines. They also expect to explore new markets.

Value of DBJ Loan Received: J$30 million

Date Loan Approved: August 1 ,2014

Value of Investment: J$58 million

Potential Number of job to be created: 60 temporary